Why Every Business Needs a Strong Online Reputation Management Plan


When it comes to running a business, whether it’s a small business or a large multinational company, we’ve all seen this so often. Entrepreneurs identify a gap in the market and come up with a product or service that fills this gap. They put efforts into R&D and innovation to improve this product and make sure it meets the needs of its customers. But people simply don’t buy it. Why does this happen so often? Because there are so many budding entrepreneurs and small businesses out there who underestimate the importance of reputation management and marketing. You may have the best product or service in the market, but will it really matter if nobody knows it exists? 

Reputation management isn’t only about managing a reputation, it’s also about building one. And this is a process that quite literally begins with your first impression. Furthermore, in the modern day market, where everything is digital, Online Reputation Management is a force to be reckoned with.

Of course it’s well-known that the context of how people talk about your business or brand online can make or break it. The main question here is how do you address this, or at least gain more control over it? This is where Online Reputation Management (ORM) begins to matter. It necessitates a strategic approach to monitoring, influencing, and shaping how your brand is perceived online. This is why so many established businesses hire online reputation management companies and specialists to ensure their reputation doesn’t take a hit. In the event they do end up stirring the controversial pot, these entities are trained and capable of turning the situation around with efficiency and precision.

Let’s get into the facts here. A 2023 report by Podium states that a whopping 93% of consumers rely on online reviews to make purchasing decisions. Sometimes, a single negative review can overshadow years of positive interactions and send potential customers running for the hills.

So, how do you harness the power of the online world to build a stellar reputation and propel your brand forward? Here’s why every business, big or small, needs a strong online reputation management plan:

ORM Can Help You Build Trust and Loyalty Among Your Customers

Trust and loyalty among your customers is the most important aspect of reputation management. When someone purchases a product from your business, they are very likely to talk about it. Some of them even leave reviews on the internet. It’s the internet after all, and everyone loves expressing their opinion on it. Think of online reviews as modern-day word-of-mouth marketing. And when people look up your business or find it online, the first thing they’ll look for is reviews. When they see positive reviews for your product, they’re much likelier to trust your brand. A study by BrightLocal found that 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

At the end of the day, you’ll want to know when people appreciate the product you’ve put your heart and soul into. It satisfies every entrepreneur when they know people like their product. And these are the customers you will want your prospective future customers to see. By actively managing your online reputation, you’re showcasing the positive aspects of your brand and fostering customer loyalty. Respond promptly to positive reviews, thanking customers for their feedback and highlighting the strengths they mentioned. This two-way communication demonstrates that you value your customers’ opinions and builds a sense of community.

Nullifying or Negating the Impact of Negative Reviews and Publicity Online

In all honesty, negative reviews are inevitable. There will always be that one customer who simply cannot appreciate your product or service for what it is. We’re all human beings here and we’re all entitled to our opinions. But here’s the good news: It’s how you handle negative reviews that can significantly impact your brand image. You’ll want a customer having a negative experience to know that you care about their experience and you’re bothered enough to do something to address it. A well-crafted response shows you take customer concerns seriously and are committed to improvement.

To begin with, acknowledge the issue and offer a sincere apology Then offer a solution to the issue. There’s no point getting defensive or argumentative – a calm and professional demeanor will go a long way here. Remember, potential customers are watching how you address these issues, so use it as an opportunity to showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Leveraging Social Media for Positive Brand Advocacy

Social media reputation management isn’t just about posting catchy content and accumulating followers. It’s a powerful platform to cultivate brand advocates and spread positive sentiment.

Encourage customer engagement by responding to comments and messages promptly. Run contests and giveaways to generate excitement, and showcase user-generated content (UGC) to build a sense of community.

Here’s a statistic to remember: According to Socialbakers, brands that respond to social media messages see a 30% increase in customer satisfaction. By fostering an interactive and positive online environment, you’re turning customers into brand champions who will readily sing your praises online.

Traceability, Monitoring and Proactive Reputation Management

Don’t wait for a crisis to hit before scrambling to manage your online reputation. Be proactive! Here are some key strategies:

  • Create or claim your online profiles: Ensure your business has a presence across all relevant and popular review sites such as Facebook, Instagram, X, Google My Business, Yelp, and LinkedIn. This allows you to control basic information and respond directly to reviews.
  • Set up social media listening tools: Keep an eye on what people are saying about your brand online. They won’t always mention or tag your business on social media. They might just name-drop it in a conversation. You’ll want to know when people talk about your business. Social listening tools such as Brandwatch and Sprout Social allow you to monitor mentions and identify potential issues before they snowball. If you’re just getting started, you might want to explore some free tools such as Databox (which also has a paid plan). Once you’re confident you know how to use such tools, you can invest in the paid ones. 
  • Develop a crisis communication plan: It’s inevitable that your marketing or advertising strategy blunders and ends up offending a group of people accidentally. You may not mean to, but people are sensitive and will talk about it on the internet. That’s the truth. You’ll want to prepare yourself for such circumstances anyway and have a plan in place for how you’ll address negative publicity or online attacks. This ensures a swift and measured response that minimises damage to your reputation.

Effective Data Analysis and Insights

So, you’ve implemented an ORM strategy – fantastic! But how do you know if it’s working? Here are some key metrics to track:

  • Review volume and sentiment: Monitor the number of reviews you’re receiving and the overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral).
  • Social media engagement: Track metrics like likes, comments, and shares to gauge audience interaction and brand sentiment.
  • Brand mentions: Keep an eye on how often your brand is mentioned online, and whether the context is positive or negative.

By regularly analysing these metrics, you can refine your ORM strategy and ensure it’s effectively building a positive online reputation for your brand.

In today’s digital landscape, a strong online reputation is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. By implementing a strategic online reputation management plan or hiring a competent reputation management agency, you can leverage the power of the internet to build trust with potential customers, address negative feedback effectively, and turn your audience into brand advocates.

Remember, ORM is an ongoing process. It requires dedication, responsiveness, and a commitment to building genuine connections with your online community. Think of it the same way as the days of business reputation management, but in a circumstance where all the technological prowess of the digital world comes into play. But the rewards are substantial – a loyal customer base, a positive brand image, and a thriving business that thrives in the ever-evolving digital age. So, are you ready to become your brand’s biggest online fan?
