The Google Search Algorithm Leak and How to Use It to Your Advantage

Google recently broke the internet, quite literally, after its top secret documents were leaked, revealing vital information on the algorithm of the world’s largest search engine. Over 2500 internal documents were leaked containing loads of information on the data collected by the Google search engine. To set things straight, no, the algorithm itself hasn’t been cracked and SEO experts aren’t suddenly armed with the knowledge to achieve 100% SEO on their work. What this leak does provide, however, is answers on how SEO marketers can use the data Google collects to their advantage. These documents aren’t all the answers on the algorithm, but some of them.

We now know about thousands of features and modules about the inner workings of how Google ranks content on the internet. SEO marketers and analysts can use this knowledge to fine-tune their strategy and climb Google’s search engine ladder with more effectiveness. So, delving deeper into the details, what do we know about the Google Algorithm from this leak?

What are click patterns and how do they influence Google SEO rankings?

A significant detail from the leaks is that Google collects and analyses user’s “click patterns”. Click patterns refer to certain behaviours users exhibit when they interact with or “click” on a page. These click patterns influence rankings on the search engine. Some of the prominent click patterns include the following:

  • Dwell time: Dwell Time is a metric that observes how long a user spends on a page before clicking on it. This is an indicator of the quality of content on the page. If a user spends a longer amount of time on the page before a click, the algorithm considers this user as a prospect interested in taking the time to read the content on the page and consume it. When the average dwell time is longer across multiple users, the page ranks higher on the search engine.
  • User satisfaction signals: Google also ranks pages based on how users who have come across them through search results behave. In the event users return to the search results frequently after clicking on one of them, Google receives a signal that the quality of the page doesn’t meet user expectations. This phenomenon is called “pogo-sticking”.
  • Click-based engagement: Google is actively tracking click-based engagement from users on pages in real-time and this influences search engine rankings. These include metrics such as CTR (Clickthrough Rate). On pages that contain multiple clickable interactions, when users are actively engaging with these interactions, the search engine ranks these pages higher than more passive pages.

Needless to say, the importance of clicks and click-based behaviour from users wasn’t understated before the leak. But thanks to the leak, we now know exactly how much of an impact clicks have on Google rankings in addition to the specific mannerisms of clicks.

AI plays a significant role in influencing Google’s search engine rankings

Of course, it does! It’s 2024 and AI is surging through the digital world as the latest and greatest phenomenon. All major tech giants are investing heavily in AI technology and innovating in this space. Naturally, this also applies to Google’s algorithm. In particular, the Google Algorithm uses AI to gauge user satisfaction and relevance, rather than how well the content on a page meets the user’s needs and its overall effectiveness. 

  • Content relevance and context: This means the search engine’s AI assesses how well the page’s content fits under the context of the search query and how relevant it is to the topic of the search query. Ensure the content you post on your site is thoroughly researched and matches common search queries around the topic.
  • Content freshness and updation: Google also prioritises web page content that is regularly updated with the latest information on the topic. Make sure you’re consistently updating your site with content that reflects the latest information on the subject. For instance, if your website is a blog on social media management, articles must consistently be updated, or new articles must be posted, which contain the latest information on social media management tools and platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • Credibility and topical authority: The algorithm uses AI to gauge the authority of content using factors such as backlinks and citations. The credibility of the content author and the site’s overall reputation is also considered. Make sure the backlinks and citations on your site are from reputable sources and high-ranking authorities on the subject.
  • Tonality and Language: Google’s AI uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) to gauge and understand the nuances of the content on the web page in terms of tone, readability and the presence (or lack thereof) of spammy elements. Avoid stuffing your content with keywords for the sake of it. Make sure your content reflects your brand’s character and personality and is consistent in its tonality.

Site authority is more significant than it ever was

In 2024, your site’s authority matters more to the Google algorithm than it ever did. This is especially true for YMYL queries (Your Money Your Life). Such queries usually deliver results which include websites with content that could influence the user’s future, happiness and personal decision making. This means sites that contain content from credible institutions, subject matter experts and reputable sources will climb the algorithm faster than sites that don’t. Search engine optimisation is all about domain authority, after all. How do you improve site authority, you ask? Well here are a few ways.

  • Backlinks from reputable sites: Make sure your site has high-quality backlinks from websites with a high domain authority and Google will receive a signal that your site is trustworthy and valuable.
  • Highlight author expertise and credentials: Make sure the content on your site is from an author who is considered an authority on the subject and has credibility. When you do, make sure your website highlights these credentials wherever possible.
  • Post accurate, relevant and reliable information: Ensure your website’s content is updated regularly and is well-researched to contain relevant and precise information. Don’t leave any scope for errors or misinformation.

Avoid turning your site into a content farm

The leaked documents revealed that the Google algorithm actively demotes the SEO ranking of sites that are considered “Content Farms”. What are content farms you ask? These are sites that are regularly updated with a high volume of low-quality content and use tactics such as keyword stuffing. These sites also tend to offer a poor user experience with inappropriately placed advertisements and a bad UI.

So if you’re constantly posting content on your site without considering the relevance and accuracy of content, you’re not going to climb the algorithm ladder. This is also the case if you spam your site with keywords. The Google keyword ranking index considers the quality and context of keywords, not volume.

Google has upped its interest in studying user behavioural data

While it’s common knowledge that the Google algorithm runs on user data, it’s important to note just how meticulously it is doing so. Google collects large volumes of user behavioural data and it uses this data to influence website Google ranking. It tracks data across various metrics. As discussed above, we already know it is tracking user behaviour patterns such as dwell time, clickthrough rate and engagement rate. In addition to these, it also tracks location data, devices used, bounce rates and pogo-sticking.

Responsive Web Design is the way to go

In 2024, google will simply not forgive a website that doesn’t incorporate responsive design. This means your website should adapt to different screen sizes and devices. The search engine will actively demote the Google page rank of websites that load in desktop format on mobile devices.

Conclusion and Final Takeaways

While there is a lot more to Google’s algorithm than the above pointers, following these rules will make a difference to your site’s Google search ranking. If you’re looking for a TLDR, here’s what it comes to.

  • Content quality: Do not post content that is irrelevant or outdated. Also, don’t post content just for the sake of posting content on your site. As long as your site has content that is relevant, contextual and accurate, you’re good. Quality over quantity.
  • Avoid keyword spamming: Do not spam your site with keywords thinking it’ll rank on those keywords. This ties into the first point about content quality. If keywords are inappropriately placed and don’t fit in with the content, it will demote your page rank in this Google algorithmMaintain a fine balance between keyword quantity and quality.
  • Ensure your site is responsive: Your website should load appropriately across all devices and screen sizes. You cannot afford to have a site that isn’t optimized for responsive web design in 2024.
  • Build site authority: Ensure your site always has relevant backlinks from credible sources. Paired with high-quality content, this will build your site’s credibility and make sure it ranks higher on search engines.

At the end of the day, it’s all about keeping it simple, staying relevant and being accurate. There’s no silver bullet and there’s no need to overthink SEO as long as you’re keeping things neat and tidy.
