As the world shifted indoors during the Covid-19 pandemic, nature witnessed a respite from environmental pollution. However, a new form of pollution emerged as internet usage soared. Of the 306.4 billion emails sent across the globe every day, nearly 107 billion are spam, each emitting 0.3 gms of CO2. With people spending more time online than ever before, the increasing digital carbon footprint became a pressing concern.
Wow Skin Sciences, a personal care brand focused on sustainability, sought to shed light on this issue and reaffirm its commitment to combating all forms of pollution.
Amidst a staggering 688 million internet users, the challenge of digital pollution could be combated with a tiny shift in habit – deletion of spam emails that rested in millions of inboxes. Change was just two clicks away! To achieve this, we recognized the need to capture their attention and showcase the impact of their actions in an engaging manner.
Stories let people question what they believe and how they perceive their environment. The #TrashYourSpam campaign leveraged data visualisation to educate and mobilise millions on World Environment Day. We spread the message through people that mattered the most to our audience. 200 influencers, content creators, and celebrities played a pivotal role in advocating the Mega spam deletion drive in India.
Scores of Indians embraced the cause, swiftly deleting half a million spam emails in just 3 days, reducing 150,000 grams of carbon emissions. A live ticker on Wow Skin’s website tracked the deletions, generating momentum and global engagement. The campaign surpassed borders, receiving entries from countries (UAE, Mexico & UK et al) where Wow Skin Science did not exist.
The campaign not only created a massive environmental impact, but also demonstrated the remarkable power of 2 clicks in the journey towards sustainability.
spam mails deleted in 3 days
impressions generated
worth of Earned media gained
surge in brand interactions
The campaign crossed borders, receiving entries from UAE, Mexico, UK; countries where WOW Skin Science didn’t even deliver.